The COSY SADDLE bike saddle is upgraded in several ways for increased comfort and safety

The COSY SADDLE bike saddle is upgraded in several ways for increased comfort and safety


The COSY SADDLE bike saddle is upgraded in several ways for increased comfort and safety.

The COSY SADDLE bike saddle is upgraded in several ways for increased comfort and safety
The COSY SADDLE bike saddle is upgraded in several ways for increased comfort and safety. 
The following COSY SADDLE 2.0 series have been upgraded in the following aspects:
 1.Use soft yet durable material for better comfort and longer lifespan. COSY SADDLE 2.0 leather has better air permeability and heat dissipation performance, tear resistance, weather resistance, and is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and odorless. 
 2. COSY SADDLE 2.0 is designed to increase the width and length of the saddle to accommodate riders of different sizes.
3. The tail LOGO of COSY SADDLE uses carbon fiber material, which makes the whole cushion look more upscale and atmospheric. 
4. COSY SADDLE Tail LOGO We accept your customization, we can laser engrave the name of your car, or any pattern and font you want. Make your car look different and unique.
 5. The COSY SADDLE 2.0 series products have improved the adjustability of the saddle, allowing the rider to better adjust the height and angle. These upgrades can make bicycle saddle products more ergonomic, thereby improving riding comfort and safety. 
You are welcome to find us at WWW.COSYSADDLE.COM for samples at any time, we have many products for you to choose from.